Critical Creative Reflection
How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues? When doing this video, we used a lot of the angles, editing and filming techniques that were researched in our research blog. An example of this would be the fade in and fade out that was used in the beginning and end of the video. Which was shown in the Selena Gomez music video called who says where it fades In and out at the beginning and end of the video. Some of the Camera angles include over the shoulder shot, 3-shot, 2- shot, long shots, and establishing shot. As for movements, we mostly used a pan since it helped to show the movement of the characters and where they were going. For sound it was mostly filmed with non- diegetic sound as well as the male lead characters singing which we got from the Demi Lavato so ng Heart attack . As for costumes we had the male lead wear glasses this was because in some of Justin Biebers earlier songs he would wear sunglasses. F...