Production Blog

Hey blog its me Shadae are you surprised, maybe not!

Today I went to cap cut to finish my project and the worst thing had happened my commercial wasn't saved so the commercial was gone. I was beyond devastated so I decided to start making the commercial again. Luckily I have gotten used to most of the features on cap cut so it didn't really take me long to find the photos again.

Then something you probably guessed would have happened well happened I change my mind on the pictures again. Well only one really I realized most of the videos were of me in one place so I decided to change he picture of me there for something else. The picture was of me at a restaurant with my family of course this was taken before they served the food. Then it was time to add the final piece of the puzzle to the commercial, the music.

Earlier today I had asked my friend to help me with it and she did although it did take a while to get the hang of it. Also I found out where I could find the transition on cap cut, my friend also told me about this too. I looked at some of the transition and I realized I didn't really like them on the commercial. I decided that I would try again with the transitions another time maybe on my next commercial. In the end my commercial lasted about 34 seconds in total which I think is a good time range 

Since I plan to finish the blog today I am double checking to make sure everything is in the right order that I want it to be. I made sure to save it this time so I don't end up having to re- do it again in a rush. I also made sure the commercial is in the same format as the previous commercial. All in All I actually really enjoyed working with cap cut even with the difficulties that came in the way. I will most likely end up using it with my future projects as well. Not to mention it makes it really convenient  since you can download the app on your phone and carry it with you. Though I wouldn't recommend using it is place that tends to have low signal.


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