Production Blog
I genuinely did mean to this time but my mom and my sisters sent over video and pictures to me some that fit the idea I was going for more.
Now I have 3 videos of me experiencing some of the main attractions at the museum of illusions.
The 1st video is of me messing with the spinning hypnotize circle
the second video is of me standing in front of the portrait with eyes that seem to follow you everywhere.
The final video is of me in this room that can make you see really big or really small.
then I have 2 pictures of me at the museum of illusions in some of the either really pretty rooms or trippy ones
The first of me is in a purple room with a bunch of colorful shadows of myself on the wall.
the second is of me in this mirror room which could make you a bit odd but if you try it properly could make you seem like your floating.\
the other pictures are of me on vacation and of me in front of a lake at this a restaurant.
The picture of me on vacation shows me on a beach staring at the camera the photo was taken at night so you couldn't really see the beach behind me.
the other one of me at the restaurant was also taken at night so you can't really see the lake but you can see some of the buildings and trees behind me.
I uploaded the 4 pictures of me on to cap n cut and added them in the order that I liked it in.
this is my final time changing my videos and pictures and I refuse to do it again but returning to my earlier topic
I uploaded the photos onto cap cut the first is of me at the lake, the next one is of me in the mirror room, then me in the shadow room and finally me on this bench.
between each phot I am thinking about adding a cutaway screen or maybe adding something to make the transition from picture to picture smooth
The reason I chose this was because the photos held a lot of happy memories and I wanted that to be in my commercial.
I was also thinking of placing the majority of my videos within the middle section since they are taken from the same place.
Though I did find out that when you use cap cut it automatically adds its logo at the end of the commercials.
I thought that was cool and was kind of a good marketing strategy as every time someone posts a commercial or edit it would show where the person did it.
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