Production Blog: Music Video

Hello blog its your favorite blogger coming in with a new blog!

I have great news me and my team finally finished filming we finished it on Tuesday. I am still waiting for my teammates to send over the video so that I can begin editing as soon as possible. So far I have only seen some of the videos involving including one of the main  characters dancing. They were of course dancing to the agreed upon song choice which was Love me by Justin Bieber. They were also wearing the prop sunglasses that was mentioned earlier in a previous blog. This scene was filmed outside on the sidewalk near the parking lot of the library, AKA Barnes and Nobles. We decided this since it was the most convenient place to film outside of Barnes and Nobles.

Then there is another scene we did which was on the first scenes in the music video. In this scene we see 3 people walk into the library the next video shows 2 of them looking at some books. The first two stop looking at books and walk towards their third friend and that when they see who he is staring at. At this point they video will show him looking at Giovanna my teammate and main character. This scene is very important as it helps to highlight the two main characters in the film.

So when I plan to start editing and in this first scene Giovanna comes into view I want the camera to be focused on solely on her. When the camera flashes to the next main character I want him to be pointed out and for the camera to be pointed solely at him. So when Giovanna seen goes up the camera will only have the one person, Giovanna, in the shot. Then when the camera then goes to the other characters I plan to blur out their faces. If not then I could do a zoom in on his face or place his character in the middle of the scene when he stares of to Giovanna.

Also since we decided to re shoot some of the films on Tuesday we had received awful news that one of our characters will not be able to continue filming. Which thus led us to re-shoot some of the scenes in the music video we decided to replace that character with our main  characters little brother.


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