Our Pitch

 Hello World, 

Pitch A: A group of friends playing a game with the little brother, but what does he see that they don't? 

Pitch B: The student begins to receive an overbearing amount of notes and gifts in her locker, but it's different from who she expected. 

Discuss Pitch A: This pitch would be fun to execute because it's something different than what is normally seen in movies. We would also be interested in doing this pitch because our film's small details, like the roles of the siblings, were resolved. We also enjoyed how at the end of the film the tension was broken. Although some ideal locations may not allow filming. Also, it would be difficult to get multiple actors to be a part of our film. 

Discuss Pitch B: This pitch would be interesting to bring to life to show the progression of the gifts and how they become overwhelming throughout the film. Although we would not be able to get the amount of props needed for our film. Our editing process would be simpler and quicker to complete.3 Also, it would be difficult to find a school setting with lockers to be able to film. Though it would be easier to get a sufficient amount of actors.  

Our Final Decision: Since we don't have access to a school with lockers and we don't have enough money to invest in the gifts for the movie, we have decided to go with  

Pitch A: A group of friends playing a game with the little brother, but what does he see that they don't? 



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